The Ariadne Women's Chamber Choir performs in Vale Inco Ltd.'s Creighton Mine in Sudbury in a bid to set a world record for the deepest a capella performance
Ten of the group's 12 members donned special coveralls, protective eyeglasses and hard hats and descended with miners into Vale Inco Ltd.'s Creighton Mine in an elevator known as "the cage."
They spent a morning in the mine's SNOLAB, the world's deepest underground laboratory used for advanced physics experiments, performing a variety of pieces including Canadian composer Christine Donkin's Magnificat, and Hodie, from Benjamin Britten's Christmas choral piece A Ceremony of Carols.
The Guinness world record for the deepest concert underground was at 1271 m (4,169 ft 11 in) below sea level at Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy, Pyhäjärvi, Finland and was performed by Agonizer (Finland).
Guinness World Records also listed the Deepest cave: the 2,191 m (7,188 ft 3 in) cavein the Krubera Cave in the Arabika Massif, Georgia.
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